Beyond the Newsroom
Crystal and Renata walked into a newsroom and immediately wanted to paint it. Now, we don't have to. We're living the dream and out on our own. We're bringing you inspiring conversations devoted to disruptors redefining how journalism is done. We're talking to people who are running their own bureaus, launching their own shows, and establishing their own journalism models. We're talking to people dreaming up the future of the news industry.
Beyond the Newsroom
TikTok Storytelling #KeepitShort
Crystal Chavez and Renata Sago
Season 2
Episode 2
It's the medium for the ever-shortening attention span, the mindless scrollers looking for something interesting enough to stop them from swiping up. It's that thing some are addicted to-- and some feel they missed the boat on. We talk TikTok in this episode. Azia Celestino posts some hard news along with pop culture reflections. She joins us to chat about why she does the news on TikTok, how she comes up with non-stop content...and does TikTok pay? Just wondering...